
Load DICOM datasets as numpy arrays with voxel dimensions

CT scans in DiffDRR are stored using the torchio.Subject dataclass. torchio provides a convenient and consistent mechanism for reading volumes from a variety of formats and orientations. We canonicalize all volumes to the RAS+ coordinate space. In addition to reading an input volume, you can also pass the following to when loading a subject:



 load_example_ct (labels=None, orientation='AP',
                  bone_attenuation_multiplier=1.0, **kwargs)

Load an example chest CT for demonstration purposes.



 read (volume:str|pathlib._local.Path|,
       labels:int|list=None, orientation:str|None='AP',
       bone_attenuation_multiplier:float=1.0, fiducials:torch.Tensor=None,
       center_volume:bool=True, resample_target=None, **kwargs)

Read an image volume from a variety of formats, and optionally, any given labelmap for the volume. Converts volume to a RAS+ coordinate system and moves the volume isocenter to the world origin.

Type Default Details
volume str | pathlib._local.Path | CT volume
labelmap str | pathlib._local.Path | None Labelmap for the CT volume
labels int | list None Labels from the mask of structures to render
orientation str | None AP Frame-of-reference change
bone_attenuation_multiplier float 1.0 Scalar multiplier on density of high attenuation voxels
fiducials Tensor None 3D fiducials in world coordinates
transform RigidTransform None RigidTransform to apply to the volume’s affine
center_volume bool True Move the volume’s isocenter to the world origin
resample_target NoneType None Resampling resolution argument passed to torchio.transforms.Resample
Returns Subject Any additional information to be stored in the torchio.Subject